Benefits of Telemedicine in COVID19 Healthcare

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The exchange of medical and clinical health information from one site to another through online or electronic communication is regarded as Telemedicine. Telemedicine is practiced in times of crisis or in case of accessing one’s medical condition remotely.
For over 40 years, Telemedicine has been around globally and it is still rapidly growing in recent times. Honestly, it is not always possible to get an appointment with doctors and hospital specialists due to their busy schedule with patients and thus telemedicine provides a bypass to this problem. Telemedicine therefore brings the patient and doctor closer by reducing the queue time and harassment.
With the increasing pandemic situation of COVID-19, Telemedicine has boomed up. This domain of clinical management can protect both patients and health professionals from contracting coronavirus infection by avoiding any form of in person meeting. Telemedicine software also enable patients to communicate via online chat, audio, or video call with a virtual physician or clinical staffregarding their signs and symptoms instead of being physically present in the chamber or hospital. After that the doctor can decide whether the patient needs to be hospitalized or not, based on the severity of their disease symptoms.
In case of coronavirus treatment or checkup, physicians can remotely make a provisional diagnosis of the infection in patients who have the risk and symptoms. The virtual doctor is then expected to give an alert to the hospital about receiving such a suspected case of coronavirus infection before taking it up officially by suggesting the patient’s hospitalization. This pre-information can help the health professionals attending to the patient by making them more cautious against contracting COVID-19 from the patient. 
Some Telehealth progress stories are:
·         Curatess uses an FDA-approved stethoscope to listen to patients’ respiratory and cardiac sounds. 
·         Welldoing connects you with online therapists for coronavirus-related stress and anxiety.
·         Carbon Health is working on at-home tests for coronavirus.
Benefits of Telemedicine for COVID-19 Patients
If cases of COVID-19 infected patients are not involved with chronic medical conditions and symptoms, they can receive home treatments and doctors can virtually monitor and assess them to track their disease progression and prescribe them hospitalization or alternative treatments. Moreover, with recent trends of coronavirus patients all around, telemedicine has also started becoming billable to your health care insurance without issue. Telemedicine technology promotes virtual health care that curtails the coronavirus transmission among ill patients and health care workers. Furthermore, patients with mild coronavirus infection can also receive professional counsel and care through a remote team of dedicated virtual health experts.
Telemedicine is a positive and evolving medical treatment option and studies regarding telemedicine working show that this method can save time, money, and lives. With the rapidly rising healthcare cost, the need for telemedicine is quite an essential requirement for patients worldwide and although the whole idea of telemedicine comes with its own specific cons of not being able to treat patients needing serious medical attention, the pros are heavily overpowering in times of this coronavirus crisis. For your telehealth inquiries, Advancells is open 24*7 at


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