Showing posts with label male infertility treatment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label male infertility treatment. Show all posts

Stem Cell Therapy: A Gift for Couples Trying to Enter Parenthood

Thursday, March 7, 2024

The World Health Organization reports that approximately 17.5% of the global population faces infertility challenges at some point in their lives. This number is significantly high, and it makes the pursuit of parenthood often challenging for couples. Even with advanced methods like In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), many couples struggle to become parents. However, stem cell therapy for infertility treatment is emerging as a more promising avenue for couples battling with infertility when compared to established methods like IVF.

Understanding Couple Infertility 

Infertility affects both men and women, with 40% of cases attributed to each gender and 20% to both. There are factors such as age, lifestyle choices, and infections that contribute to infertility. Together, they affect 22% of married couples. Stem cell therapy, with its unique regenerative potential, offers a beacon of hope for couples facing fertility challenges.

Addressing Male Infertility

Stem cell therapy has shown promise in rejuvenating sperm production, offering hope for individuals diagnosed with conditions like azoospermia and oligospermia. Additionally, it provides potential solutions for erectile dysfunction, a common issue stemming from modern lifestyle stresses.

Tackling Female Infertility

Interestingly, stem cell therapy can stimulate immature egg cells in the ovaries and address issues like endometriosis and scarring. The therapy has shown promise in improving reproductive health, which can lead to successful fertilization. Read More

Nutrition Can Improve Endometrial Thinning

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

 Endometrial thinning can be caused due to irregular periods or due to low estrogen levels. Such conditions can also show up due to eating disorders or autoimmune disorders in the body.

Can nutrition help?

A healthy uterine lining or endometrial thinning helps women in regular menstrual discharge and getting pregnant by ensuring successful implantation. Besides hormonal medications, a habit of exercising can increase the blood flow throughout your body and that includes blood flow to one’s uterus. A good amount of rest and meditation for de-stressing can also help in natural hormone regulation in the body. Further habits to avoid definitely include smoking and caffeine intake.

So, it is evident that a healthy lifestyle plays a huge role in maintaining endometrial thickness and thus Nutrition is an important factor. Many clinical studies significantly suggest that nutrition may have a relevant impact on endometrial thickness. Here are some nutritional strategies that can help:

  • Vitamin E rich food

Vitamin E may assist thickening of the endometrium wall and foods like nuts, seeds, and avocados are rich in vitamin E. For a healthy woman, an amount of 7mg/day can be gained by proper diet but studies have used much higher concentrations, which are not always suitable for good health. Vitamin E supplements must be taken after consulting with one’s doctor as large doses of vitamin E during pregnancy have been known to cause ‘small for gestational age’ babies.

  • L-arginine rich food

L-arginine is produced by our body and helps in protein building as an amino acid. This amino acid also works as a vasodilator and helps in blood flow. For having foods rich in L-arginine, one should look for a diet rich in are dairy products, soy, beans, fish, poultry products. Before taking supplements, one should look for proper medical advice.

  • Omega-3 rich food

Omega-3 is a well-known factor that promotes hormonal regulation and increased the chances of embryo implantation in the uterus. Some common foods rich in omega-3 are avocados, fatty fish, spinach and walnuts.

  • Whole grains

For a healthy female body, 48gm/day of whole grains are suggested but seldom people follow or get even close to that amount. Seedy bread, bran rice, and even popcorn are considered whole grains and these are rich in carbohydrates, proteins, fibers, B-vitamins, and antioxidants. Some studies have suggested that women who have higher whole grain intake have higher chances of implantation with IVF. Moreover, for every additional serve of whole grains per day, uterine lining can increase by an average of 0.4 mm. It might not sound much but it makes quite a difference!.