Showing posts with label stem cell therapy for anti aging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stem cell therapy for anti aging. Show all posts

Loosing energy: Make sure you get it back!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Isn’t it quite common nowadays that people are complaining about feeling tired and low in energy? Especially old ones!! Is your Mom, sleeps off as soon as the TV blares or just nods off sitting at the chair in daytime? Are they feeling tired often? If yes, it may be because they generally start losing energy as they hit middle age. However, despite normal fatigue which is known as natural progression of aging, it could as well be a sign of a medical problem. As according to the researchers, it has been reported that napping over two hours a day, feeling tired and being functionally de-active can be associated with health problems like sleep disorders, cardiovascular disease, arthritis  and other common afflicts.
Before taking it as a serious issue, let’s focus on the things which are responsible for keeping your energy low and how that energy can be regained. Things that cause tiredness and fatigue are lack of sleep, lack of multivitamins, obesity and depression. If you are not sleeping properly it can increase the risk of other diseases. Your body needs rest to work the next day, so sleep well and get rid of tiredness. Fatigue also results due to lack of vitamins in your body; consult your doctor to avail those vitamins to fill the energy tank.
Many times, you might have experienced that you are staying longer in your bed without doing anything. Now, that may be a couch potato syndrome, leading you to be more stressed and tired.

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Exercise and doing some physical activity will boost your energy levels to great extent.  For that matter, Yoga is also considered as a great treatment of almost all the diseases. Doing daily yoga exercises not only improves energy level but also boosts up confidence and make you feel fresh. Along with being active, diet is equally important to switch your body’s energy. Make sure, you are drinking enough amount of water in a day; as dehydration zaps energy and impairs physical performance.
If you have tried almost everything to feel younger and active and nothing is actually helping you then to keep you a little younger than your age; in terms of strength, stamina and fitness, let me introduce you with the advanced Stem Cell Treatment for Anti-Aging.
One of the most prominent uses of Medical science is implementation of Autologous use of adult stem cells in Anti Aging Treatments.
We have the most potent stem cell reservoirs in our body such as Fat that can be utilized in order to regenerate aging cells. Their value in terms of Anti Aging Treatment Procedures, centers around their ability to self renew and to generate every type of cells that our body needs in a crisis. Scientists have proved that, the Stem cell Technology for Anti Aging Treatments could have dramatic influence on our ability to live longer, replace some of our failing parts and to improve overall physical and mental condition such as stamina, vigor, glow, concentration. The effect of stem cells technology can be enhanced, when stimulated with patient's own platelet rich plasma. PRP is a rich source of platelet, which can secrete large number of growth factors to reduce inflammation and accelerate the process of healing.
Thus in order to fulfill the inner deep desire of almost everyone to look younger, Advancells has developed following amazing natural products “Look Fit”, “Feel Fit” & "Hair Loss Treatment"

MedlinePlus: “Fatigue."
Kerry J. Stewart, EdD, professor of medicine; director, Clinical and Research Exercise Physiology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
Hartfiel, N. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, April 6, 2010.
Oken, B. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, Jan-Feb 2006..
Daniel Judelson, PhD, assistant professor, California State University, Fullerton.
Harris, R. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2007.
Smith, A. Nutritional Neuroscience, February 2010.
Smith, A. Nutritional Neuroscience, April 2009.
Childs, Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, February 2008.
Ruusunen, A. Public Health Nutrition, April 2010.
Kamdar, B, Sleep Medicine, September 2004.
Dhand, R. Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine, November 2006.
American Academy of Sleep Medicine.
Fontani G, Journal of the American College of Nutrition, August 2009.
Roennenberg T, Journal of Biological Rhythms, February 2003.
Schmidt, C. Cognitive Neuropsychology, October 2007.
Stewart, K. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, March-April 2003.

Advancells world class GMP lab is at the forefront of research and innovations and in bringing the best and latest technologies benefiting thousands of patients annually in finding natural, safe and effective way in curing and managing not just life threatening diseases and ailments but also in preventive healthcare, cosmetic treatments and anti ageing therapies.SOURCES:

Platelet-Rich Plasma or PRP: How safe it is?

Monday, December 12, 2016

Platelet-Rich Plasma or PRP: How safe it is?
Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is a revolutionary no-operative treatment preference that not only relives pain but promotes long lasting healing of many diseases. This rapidly emerging technique shows very promising potential for many conditions such as arthritis, tendonitis, ligament sprains and tears, etc. PRP is not something that subsides over time as with a conventional pain injection.
As, our blood is made up of 93% red blood cells, 6% white blood cells, 1% platelets and plasma where platelets are best known for their function of blood-clotting to stop bleeding. Platelets, yet, are much more considerable than this, as human platelets are also a critical component in injury healing. The body’s first response to tissue injury is to transport platelets to the area. Platelets begin repair and attract Stem Cells to the injury. Injecting these growth factors into injured ligaments, tendons, and joints trigger the natural repair process. Objective of PRP is to maximize the number of platelets while minimizing the number of red blood cells in a solution that is injected into the injured or pained area(s). PRP is created in a simple, painless and conventional way. The entire process of drawing blood to solution preparation only takes approximately 25-30 minutes. 30 ml of blood is drawn from the patient, just like a routine blood test. Once the blood is drawn it is then placed into a centrifuge. The centrifuge is a machine that spins the blood at high speeds in order to separate the blood into red blood cells and concentrated platelets. Once the blood is estranged the red blood cells are discarded, and we are left with concentrated platelet rich plasma (PRP) which is ready to be used in the treatment process.
PRP treatment works most effectively for chronic ligament and tendon sprains/strains that have failed other conservative treatment. With any treatment option the outcome and sustained results are highly dependent on the extent of the injury. For example in the case of mild arthritis, PRP could potentially prevent the development of further degeneration. However, in advanced arthritic degeneration the goal of the treatment is to minimize pain and improve function. PRP (potentially if used in tandem with the use of stem cells) could avoid surgery such as joint replacements and potentially spinal fusion.
The advantage to PRP therapy is different from other treatments as it has a persistent outcome and is categorized as an everlasting fix. The period for experiencing results is dependent upon the area of injury and the extent of the injury. On average, most patients start to see signs of improvement in the form of reduced pain or increased function within four to six weeks.  Generally, PRP is an especially safe treatment option with no risk of allergic result because it is your own blood. However, whenever a needle is placed in the body, there is a risk of infection, bleeding, and nerve damage. These risks do not happen a lot, and are very rare.