Stem Cell Basics

Friday, August 28, 2015

Most cells in the human physical structure have an assigned function. They are liver cells, fat cells, bone cells, and so on. These cells can replicate more of their own kind of cell, but they cannot differentiate into another kind of cell.
Stem cells are primitive cells and are named as “strength of nature” responsible for healing, organ repair and growth as well as rejuvenating effects that could be considered the “true” spring of young.
We stand at the threshold of a sensitive and exciting medicine of Regeneration where transplants of stem cells can potentially restore function to injured, diseased and debilitated tissues and organs. They are undifferentiated cells with the ability not only to self-replicate, but to specialize to become different types of human cells.

Unique characteristics of Stem Cells
§  Self-replicate
§  Reduce inflammation
§  Combat cell death
§  Differentiate into more than one specialized cell of the body (including bone cells, muscle cells, cartilage cells, and fat cells)
Types of Stem Cell
Embryonic stem cells (ES) cells: They are isolated from inner cell mass of blastocysts of embryos. Issues: In laboratory phase, safety, and ethical issue.
Adult stem cells /somatic stem cells: Adult stem cells, less controversial, obtain from the intended receiver (an autograft) there is no danger of immune rejection. Adult stem cell treatments have been successfully used for many years to treat leukemia and related bone/blood cancers through bone marrow transplants.
Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs): reprogramming adult cells to express Embryonic stem cells characteristics. Issues: in laboratory phase.
Stem Cell Therapy has moved beyond ‘promising’

Stem Cell Therapy : Administration of living stem cells in human with therapeutic purpose. The best-defined and most widely used stem cell treatment is hematopoietic (or blood) stem cell transplantation or bone marrow transplantation, to treat blood and immune system disorders to rebuild the system for malignant neoplastic disease.
Bone, cartilage, skin and corneal (eye) injuries or disorders can be treated by grafting or implanting cells/tissues, and the healing process relies on stem cells within this implanted tissue. These processes are widely accepted as safe and efficacious by the medical community. 
Advancells has been treating various diseases like macular degeneration, diabetes, heart diseases various neurological conditions like Autism, Parkinson’s etc through bone marrow and adipose tissue extraction.


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