Showing posts with label Stem cell treatment in India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stem cell treatment in India. Show all posts

Stem Cells: A Regenerative Hope for Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Thursday, April 18, 2024


Erectile dysfunction, or ED as it's often called, affects roughly 1 in 10 men at some point in their lives. It's a perfectly normal concern, and it can impact both your physical intimacy and your mental well-being. The good news is that there are a number of treatment options available to help you regain control.

Traditional Treatments: A Range of Choices

  • Oral Medications: These medications can help improve blood flow to the penis, allowing for temporary relief. However, they do require ongoing use and can sometimes come with side effects.
  • Injections and implants: While these options offer a more direct solution, they can also have side effects and usually involve a medical procedure.
  • Psychological Counseling: Sometimes, stress, anxiety, or other mental health factors can contribute to ED. Counseling can be a great way to address these underlying issues and improve your overall sexual well-being.

Stem Cell Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction in India

Stem cells are the body's master cells, and they hold exciting potential for long-term solutions to ED. It is being extensively studied and have several success stories. Here's how stem cells can help:

  • Tissue Regeneration: Stem cells have the ability to transform into different types of cells, including those that line blood vessels, control erections, and transmit nerve signals. This means they could potentially repair damaged tissue within the penis, improving blood flow and erectile function.
  • Growth Factor Release: Stem cells also release molecules that stimulate new blood vessel formation and tissue repair, further enhancing erectile function. Read More

Stem Cell Research Latest Development

Monday, April 15, 2024


Stem cells are like the body's master builders. They hold the exciting potential to repair and replace damaged tissues regularly in the body. Stem cell therapy has captured the attention of researchers. They are excited about the potential stem cells hold for providing innovative treatment options for conditions, including diabetes and Alzheimer's.

While still a young field, stem cell research has made huge strides. Doctors are already utilizing them to treat blood disorders and investigate their potential for conditions such as Parkinson's and autism. This news is incredibly positive for the regenerative medicine industry, as it is dedicated to healing individuals.

Here's why stem cells are so promising:

  • Repair power: Stem cells possess the ability to fix damaged tissues, offering hope for treating various conditions.
  • Personalized treatment: Doctors can use a patient's stem cells, reducing rejection risks. But, if your own body cells cannot be used doctors can use donor cells that have minimal risk of rejection.
  • Disease fighters: Scientists are using stem cells to understand complex diseases and develop new treatments. Read More

Stem Cells Are Transforming Medicine and Improving Lives

Friday, April 12, 2024

Stem cell research is an incredibly promising field that is revolutionizing medicine. Stem cells are quite versatile and capable of forming various cell types within the body. There are three main types of stem cells, including:

  • Embryonic stem cells: Although they possess immense potential, they also give rise to ethical concerns. 
  • Adult stem cells: They are a more accessible alternative to embryonic stem cells with fewer ethical concerns. 
  • Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs): Modern science has made us capable of reprogramming adult cells into embryonic stem cells. These cells are still under a lot of ethical scrutiny.

Adult stem cells have shown greatest potential in the field of research due to their numerous benefits: 

  • Can be more readily acquired 
  • Experience a decreased likelihood of facing rejection 
  • Are widely recognized and understood

Stem cell therapy in India is already showing promising results in treating and managing various conditions, including blood disorders, neurological conditions, and certain musculoskeletal problems. Recently, researchers have been able to get a medication for ALS approved in Korea.

Stem cell therapy holds promise in treating various diseases. But, with the rapid evolution of technology stem cells will soon be a universal solution for numerous conditions. Read More

Stem Cell Therapy To Treat Incurable Conditions

Monday, April 1, 2024


Stem cell therapy is a revolutionary regenerative medicine that is making strides to cure a variety of diseases. Stem cells fascinate people with their ability to repair and regenerate. They are a game-changing modern medicine option that will give hope to people fighting a variety of diseases. There are several inspiring stories of individuals who have experienced remarkable improvements in their lives.

Advantages of stem cell therapy

Stem cell therapy in India offers numerous benefits that make it one of the preferred alternative treatment choices for numerous diseases, including autism, erectile dysfunction, and many more. But the question arises: what makes it so powerful? Here we list a few advantages of stem cell therapy:

  • Regeneration of damaged tissues: Stem cells can regenerate damaged tissue and differentiate into several cell types, including muscle, brain, and heart cells.
  • Reduce inflammation: Stem cells help to reduce the inflammation of the cells by utilizing anti-inflammatory chemicals.
  • Accelerated wound healing: These stem cells help to accelerate the wound healing process by secreting growth factors.
  • Modulate the immune response: other than reducing inflammation, stem cells can modulate the immune response to allow the body to recover faster.

Stem cell therapy has seen a steady rise in successfully helping people manage and treat conditions, including autism, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's disease. Read More

Best Stem Cell Therapy in India

Thursday, October 28, 2021


What Are Stem Cells?

Stem cells are unspecialized cells of the body with the potential of self-renewal and differentiation. Our body starts with totipotent cells, growing up to three layers (endo, ecto, and mesoderm) having pluripotent stem cells. As an adult, the body has reserves of multipotent and unipotent stem cells.

Why Are Stem Cells Getting Attention?

  • Increased understanding of diseases by studying stem cells and their maturation.
  • Stem cells can be programmed to differentiate into specific cells for tissue-specific regeneration.
  • Many patients with diabetes, Parkinson’s diseaseALSAlzheimer’s diseaseosteoarthritisautism, etc. have seen improvements with stem cell therapy approaches.
  • Stem cells have the potential to grow tissues for transplants in regenerative medicine.
  • Drug safety testing research can use stem cells in 3D culture models.

How can a positive attitude help you heal with Stem cell therapy?

Thursday, October 10, 2019

There is a sufficient body of scientific evidence that links positive affirmation, belief and hope with self-healing. This is like a placebo effect of the drug control administered to a patient during a clinical trial. The patient thinks he is receiving a novel drug that can miraculously transform his health condition. Just a positive thought will give him faith in the medicine even though he is not being administered an actual drug. Several studies have found positive outcomes in placebo patients that may even be comparable to drug test groups. Similarly, if you go a physician and even if he prescribes you a sugar pill or vitamin tablet, you can see beneficial effects. This is because you have faith in the medical profession and your doctor.Your mind starts sending signals to the body assuring that things are fine and the body will manifest that way.
Looking through a scientific dimension
Positive attitude has been shown to reduce the perception of pain in patients of chronic diseases. On the other side, negative emotions like anxiety, stress have been associated as a trigger for several diseases. They not only lower your immune response but also make you prone to several genetic and lifestyle disorders. Our mind has the power to affect us physiologically. As rightly said “You become what you think”. This does not mean positive thinking will work on a seriously ill dying patient. There is no measurable percentage by which you can state improvement levels. Positive thinking cannot replace medical advancements but it can certainly bolster the effects of a therapy. While people think this could be fairly achievable, remaining positive at all times isn’t all that easy. Negative emotions and thoughts can easily shake your belief. If you think on the Bright side, there is nothing to lose and there are no risks involved in being just happy.
If we speak about stem cell therapy, just like other medical advancements, it is at a very nascent stage for several diseases. Definitely, there is scientific proof behind the mechanism of working of stem cells. But still there is a section of people who believe that this wont work. And it will not work for them. Their negative attitude will affect the working of stem cells.For all patients undergoing stem cell therapy at Advancells, we recommend having a positive attitude and faith in the treatment process. This certainly accelerates their healing process. Faith is a strong emotion and it is built with sufficient knowledge behind a process. Asking questions and clarifying queries in advance will give sense of trust. We work closely with patients to impart scientific knowledge and ensure complete satisfaction before treatment.
Science and psychology work together and stem cell therapy is another domain where attitude just matters.

Stem Cell Basics

Friday, August 28, 2015

Most cells in the human physical structure have an assigned function. They are liver cells, fat cells, bone cells, and so on. These cells can replicate more of their own kind of cell, but they cannot differentiate into another kind of cell.
Stem cells are primitive cells and are named as “strength of nature” responsible for healing, organ repair and growth as well as rejuvenating effects that could be considered the “true” spring of young.
We stand at the threshold of a sensitive and exciting medicine of Regeneration where transplants of stem cells can potentially restore function to injured, diseased and debilitated tissues and organs. They are undifferentiated cells with the ability not only to self-replicate, but to specialize to become different types of human cells.

Unique characteristics of Stem Cells
§  Self-replicate
§  Reduce inflammation
§  Combat cell death
§  Differentiate into more than one specialized cell of the body (including bone cells, muscle cells, cartilage cells, and fat cells)
Types of Stem Cell
Embryonic stem cells (ES) cells: They are isolated from inner cell mass of blastocysts of embryos. Issues: In laboratory phase, safety, and ethical issue.
Adult stem cells /somatic stem cells: Adult stem cells, less controversial, obtain from the intended receiver (an autograft) there is no danger of immune rejection. Adult stem cell treatments have been successfully used for many years to treat leukemia and related bone/blood cancers through bone marrow transplants.
Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs): reprogramming adult cells to express Embryonic stem cells characteristics. Issues: in laboratory phase.
Stem Cell Therapy has moved beyond ‘promising’

Stem Cell Therapy : Administration of living stem cells in human with therapeutic purpose. The best-defined and most widely used stem cell treatment is hematopoietic (or blood) stem cell transplantation or bone marrow transplantation, to treat blood and immune system disorders to rebuild the system for malignant neoplastic disease.
Bone, cartilage, skin and corneal (eye) injuries or disorders can be treated by grafting or implanting cells/tissues, and the healing process relies on stem cells within this implanted tissue. These processes are widely accepted as safe and efficacious by the medical community. 
Advancells has been treating various diseases like macular degeneration, diabetes, heart diseases various neurological conditions like Autism, Parkinson’s etc through bone marrow and adipose tissue extraction.


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Stem cell therapy is known as a type of cell therapy, in which specialized cells are injected into damaged tissue/organ in order to treat the desired area
In our bodies, stem cells are the foundation cells for every organ and tissue. Originally, the highly specialized cells that make up these tissues came from a primary pool of stem cells, which are formed shortly after fertilization. During our lives, we persist to rely on stem cells so as to replace the cells and injured tissues that are lost each day, for instance, those in our blood, hair, skin, and the lining of our gut. The stem cells have the capability to self-renew and also give rise to further generation of cells that can multiply.
Stem cell therapy has shown a great potential in the treatment of a number of conditions, such as neurological diseases, diabetes, Eye disorders, spinal cord injuries, Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia etc. A higher understanding and knowledge about this therapy will allow the treatment of the abnormal development in the human body.  
Stem cells derived from all the sources have vast medical promises. In spite of the successes we have seen so far, there are numerous major challenges that ought to be addressed, prior to the use of stem cells as cell therapies, to treat a wider range of diseases. Primarily, an abundant source of stem cells is required to be identified. Subsequently, in case of organ transplants, it is vital to have a close match between the donor tissue and the recipient, with the intention to decrease the risk of rejection. Further, a system for delivering the cells to the right part of the body must be developed. Thus, the new cells must then be encouraged to function and to integrate together with the other cells of the body.
Stem cell therapy is no longer a science-fiction. Currently, developments in the technique of stem cell isolation and expansion collectively with the advances in growth factor biology has helped in finding successful treatable solutions for various chronic diseases.

Stem cell therapy has brought in a lot of optimistic hope between doctors, researchers, and the patients should not be ignored, who are the chief beneficiary of this innovation. Consequently, it is clear that the stem cells, have regenerated hope and is here to stay. One such company working aggressively in the field of providing latest Stem Cell Therapies is Advancells. They are one of the pioneer companies providing successful Stem Cell Therapies in India for various diseases.