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Showing posts with label Best stem cell treatment in Delhi. Show all posts

Why is 10th October Celebrated as World Mental Health Day?"

Friday, December 30, 2016

                                                                                                                                                          Ever wondered why we have a name for a particular day? It relates to the history which expresses the importance of the day.
I recently updated myself with 10th of October as World Mental Health Day which was first celebrated in 1992.
World Mental Health Day is an initiative taken by World Federation group to educate and inform everyone about mental health.
Do you know that 70% of the population is sick mentally? In fact, you can be one of them. Nowadays People are more stressed than ever because their expectations level is high. Mental health is the main element to a healthy life. One can live happily without a leg or hand but mental illness is equal to dead alive.
Mental illness has become one of the most common health issues in recent times. Anxiety disorders, mood disorders, psychotic disorders, eating disorders, impulse control, and addiction disorder, obsessive- compulsive disorder, personality disorder, and post-traumatic disorder are few terms known as the type of mental disorders.

Mental health day is to support these patients which are among you and are sick where most of the people think that mental disorders are not common but happens to someone else.  It has been estimated that millions of people in a given year and around the world are suffering from one or many types of mental sickness.  Commonly, families do not accept the idea that their loved one has a mental disorder and it makes them feel vulnerable to the opinions and judgments of others.
Mental Health day is concentrated to help treat those few completely, by giving them extra care and love.
Mental Health day is actually initiated to let everyone be the part of it to help whoever they know is going through mental and emotional issues.

If you are not aware of what mental health issue could be then let me inform you that Mental illness is a disease that causes moderate to severe disturbances in behavior which leads to an inability to confront with life's ordinary demands and routines.
In general, there are more than 200 categories of mental illness. Autism, Dementia, Alzheimer and Cerebral Palsy  are common to name a few.
You can easily recognize the patient on the basis of sudden change in mood, personality transformation or social withdrawal.
These mental health problems are increasing day by day due to excessive stress at a particular situation or outrageous series of events or just by a reaction to environment stresses, genetic factors, biochemical imbalances  or above all.
 A mentally sick patient requires special care and treatment to recover from a mental illness or emotional disorder.

 If you know a person with these symptoms let know a doctor to help him.
You might encounter sudden changes in behavior and thoughts of a mentally sick patient.
Mental Health department says that these symptoms can be a result of any other medical condition. Please confirm with the doctor dealing with his/her condition.

These few symptoms are sign of mental illness;
·         Confused thinking or bewildered thought process.
·         Depression from a long time
·         A mentally ill person does feel extremely high and low at times.
·         They may fear a lot of very small things
·         They keep on being worried and anxious frequently
·         A depress or patient cuts off with all social possibility
·         He/she might face dramatic changes in their eating and sleeping habits
·         It is advised to keep a distance when a mental patient is angry. (Extreme anger)
·         A mental patient can go through delusions where he /she experiences strange thoughts about very normal things and their life.
·         They might feel or hear invisible things called hallucinations
·         Dealing with quite easy things become hard for them
·         The most common thought of a mentally sick patient is to kill him/her.
·         They may use material to hit someone in anger
·         Mental health affects appetite
A child can experience different sort of changes when mentally sick:
·         A student of younger age may drop down his/her school performance leading to poor grades even after working hard.
·         At a very early age, these kids start being worried a lot.
·         Hyperactivity in the child can be seen.
·         The mentally ill child may get nightmares at daily basis.

You can easily tackle your mental illness by feeding your mind with love and care.
Know how to cope day to day and become the healthiest person.
·         You have to accept your feelings, beyond different symptoms and types of mental illness. This is quite ok that you yourself denying the warning signs, being worried about what people will think because of the stigma or confused about what caused your loved one to become mentally ill. Accept that this is quite common these days that one might face a lot of stress and it results in mental illness gradually.

·         A Psychological doctor can counsel you on this chapter. If you find this persistent than consult a psychologist to treat your loved one as soon as possible. Also, share your knowledge to everyone whose relative might be facing this issue but not aware what can be done to sort this out.

·         You might deal with not understanding what is actually happening that is decreasing your performance in handling daily things. A person may be extremely withdrawn to society and may feel very much depressive even about their family members. You may act unusual and unacceptable in public that is because of your mental illness. So whenever you meet your doctor, do tell your behavioral problems. I advise you to take it easy.

·         Your Family is only trying to help you by asking general questions about your life. Be calm and listen to them, it will only help you at the end. Your Friends are another bridge to take you back as you were once. Remember, when you are with them you are happy and sorted. Let them be with you as much as possible. Dear, friends are your medicines. Discuss your behavioral problems with them and find out the reason and solutions at one end. Beyond Doctor, they will give you the best advice.

If these above things do not work, get a counselor!
·         A mental health counselor can suggest good ways cope and better understand your or your loved one's illness.  Counselors have experience in treating very ill patients, so they know how to develop a good feeling about you.

·         It is always an awesome idea to travel away from your native place, you can visit any hill area or landslide fresh air can treat you well. A family tour will be much awesome than going alone because they will feel worried about you when you are away from them.

·         Sit alone and talk to yourself, you are not sick at all. It just about this time that has made you little unmanaged.  You will be better every day with your positive thoughts. Think yourself the healthiest person and take part in everything you love to do.

 World Health Day is a brilliant step towards a Mentally Healthy world.
We request you to support and help these patients by adding psychological aid in their life as we are doing.

Mental illness is not an incurable disease but can easily be tackled.

Advancells is a research oriented company focused on therapeutic applications of Regenerative Medicine. We are one of the pioneers Stem Cell Company in India, passionate about the limitless potential of Human Stem Cells in providing a natural cure for any ailment that our body suffers from. With this belief we strive to deliver technologies for the safe and effective treatment options to patients all over the world at the highest medical standards. We work closely with some of the best medical practitioners at world class medical centres across the globe in providing these therapeutic solutions to our patients. We are involved in several clinical trials and innovations across the world to consistently improve and further establish the safety and efficacy of our technology. To Know more about us click here.

Stem Cell Basics

Friday, August 28, 2015

Most cells in the human physical structure have an assigned function. They are liver cells, fat cells, bone cells, and so on. These cells can replicate more of their own kind of cell, but they cannot differentiate into another kind of cell.
Stem cells are primitive cells and are named as “strength of nature” responsible for healing, organ repair and growth as well as rejuvenating effects that could be considered the “true” spring of young.
We stand at the threshold of a sensitive and exciting medicine of Regeneration where transplants of stem cells can potentially restore function to injured, diseased and debilitated tissues and organs. They are undifferentiated cells with the ability not only to self-replicate, but to specialize to become different types of human cells.

Unique characteristics of Stem Cells
§  Self-replicate
§  Reduce inflammation
§  Combat cell death
§  Differentiate into more than one specialized cell of the body (including bone cells, muscle cells, cartilage cells, and fat cells)
Types of Stem Cell
Embryonic stem cells (ES) cells: They are isolated from inner cell mass of blastocysts of embryos. Issues: In laboratory phase, safety, and ethical issue.
Adult stem cells /somatic stem cells: Adult stem cells, less controversial, obtain from the intended receiver (an autograft) there is no danger of immune rejection. Adult stem cell treatments have been successfully used for many years to treat leukemia and related bone/blood cancers through bone marrow transplants.
Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs): reprogramming adult cells to express Embryonic stem cells characteristics. Issues: in laboratory phase.
Stem Cell Therapy has moved beyond ‘promising’

Stem Cell Therapy : Administration of living stem cells in human with therapeutic purpose. The best-defined and most widely used stem cell treatment is hematopoietic (or blood) stem cell transplantation or bone marrow transplantation, to treat blood and immune system disorders to rebuild the system for malignant neoplastic disease.
Bone, cartilage, skin and corneal (eye) injuries or disorders can be treated by grafting or implanting cells/tissues, and the healing process relies on stem cells within this implanted tissue. These processes are widely accepted as safe and efficacious by the medical community. 
Advancells has been treating various diseases like macular degeneration, diabetes, heart diseases various neurological conditions like Autism, Parkinson’s etc through bone marrow and adipose tissue extraction.

Allergies: No More A Threat

Friday, January 9, 2015

It was a sunny December afternoon; I and my sisters were enjoying our vacations on the Goa beach! We were at the pick of our enjoyment and suddenly my sister screamed Oh my God! What is this? I have developed rashes all over my skin! She was itching horribly and we all were little bit upset! We initially thought that she might have eaten something which she is allergic to! We rushed to the nearest local doctor and found that it was an allergy due to sunlight! That was really shocking! An allergy from sunlight! How can it be possible!  But yes, it can be possible! After a through internet search and lot of readings, now I can say it is possible!

Allergy is actually an exaggerated or false immune response; suddenly occurring as an indication that something wrong has happened in the body. In other words, it is the hypersensitive immune reaction to some antigens or allergens. These allergens are as such foreign substances or more precisely substances which are foreign to the bodies.  They can be natural like dust, pollen, sun rays, pet dander etc or some synthetic medications or food. It has been observed that environmental and genetic factors are responsible for such kind of hypersensitive reactions.

All of us have an intrinsic immune system as our natural defence mechanism, which avoid entry of any foreign pathogens. If by any chance, the pathogen enters in our body, a strong immune response is generated through production of large antibodies and white blood cells, which will kill the pathogen through specific mechanisms such as phagocytosis. However there are some harmless foreign substances such as dust or pollens, which are not capable of generating strong immune response although, can generate false response by producing a kind of immunoglobulin known as IgE.

IgE is a kind of antibody, present in a very small amount in the body but is capable to generate a cascade of allergic reaction upon entry of some particles. This antibody can specifically recognise some allergen receptors which are in minute quantities. Upon recognition, they can be able to secrete some chemicals which are able to mediate some inflammatory reactions. These inflammatory reactions can cause symptoms, with which some of us are associated like coughing, sneezing, skin rashes etc.

Until very recently, the healthcare sector was able to offer treatments for allergies, to reduce the symptoms! However, it would always be better to cut it out from the source and cure completely.

Stem Cells Treatments can be the possible hope for this. Stem cells are the youngest cells of the body, which can be able to differentiate into many desirable cells types, upon activation in proper direction. Allergies are definitely happening due to cellular malfunction. Our immune system, works on cellular communication which becomes faulty in person with some kind of allergies. These immune cells mistakenly attack substances or allergen; those are actually not threats to us. Stem cells stimulation therapy along with injection of some growth factors can create an internal microenvironment to stop the progression of these hypersensitive reactions

Thus Doctors are suggesting a combination therapy with Stem Cells stimulation technology and administration of SNMC drug to add an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect, to completely get rid of allergies and allow you to live your life to the fullest without the fear of being allergic!

Winter Skin Care Tips

Friday, December 19, 2014

The cold, dry air of the long winter season can leave skin feeling irritated and itchy, destroying all your efforts throughout the year to build a great complexion. For a lot of people, the cold and the snow means dry skin on the face, hands, and feet, but it doesn’t have to be that way. With a few simple tips you can maintain your healthy skin even in the face of a long, dark winter.

Drink Lots of Water

Staying hydrated is important for your overall health year round. It helps to flush the toxins from your body that can contribute to skin problems. While it may not automatically give you healthy, moist skin, it will contribute to a healthy body and better skin.

Eat Healthy

There are a number of foods that can keep your skin healthy. Omega-3 or omega-6 fatty acids like fish oil and flaxseed oil can help, but there are many foods and vitamins (such as Vitamins E and C) that can produce the results you want.

Use Sunscreen Outside

Sunscreen isn’t just for the warm days of summer. The winter sun and the increased glare from the snow can still cause significant damage to your skin. Sometimes, it may seem particularly gloomy and overcast, but UV rays can still penetrate the clouds and create problems.

Avoid Overly Hot Showers

On those really cold days, a long hot shower or bath may seem like just the thing, but water temperatures that are too hot can break down the lipid barriers in the skin, leading to a loss of moisture. Luke warm water is the better choice for your skin, and even then you shouldn’t spend too much time under the downpour.

Moisturize Frequently

Moisturizer is an important component of a winter care routine, but it’s important to find the right one. The lotion that works in the summertime may not be the best choice for the colder months. Choose a moisturizer that’s oil based, rather than water based, and use it often. Be careful where you use it, though, as some of these oils are not meant to be used on the face.

Lower Your Thermostat

The minute you turn on indoor heating, your skin is going to start drying out. Obviously, we are going to need to heat our homes, but try setting the thermostat to a comfortable level, but cooler than you might otherwise use. 68°F to 72°F should help you maintain your healthy skin.

Avoid Harsh Soaps

Many soaps contain ingredients that may aggravate itchiness or dryness. A lot of this comes from the fragrances or other artificial components, so you might consider washing with a fragrance-free moisturizing gel or cleanser.

Avoid Irritating Fabrics

As you bundle up to face the cold, dry temperatures, you need to make sure you aren’t doing more harm than good. Avoid fabrics that can be irritating like wool or polyesters and choose something like cotton. Many fabric softeners also have some fragrances that can be irritating, so leave them out and use a mild laundry detergent.

World Trauma Day 17 Oct

Friday, October 17, 2014

Trauma means "any injury caused to the body". The injury may be caused due to many reasons like road accidents, fires, burns, falls , acts of violence and crimes against the vulnerable population including women, children and elderly.   Amongst all the causes, Road Traffic Accident (RTA) is the leading cause of trauma across the world. Every year, about 5 million people die from injuries across the world. In India alone, it is estimated that one million people die and 20 million are hospitalized  every year due to injuries. According to National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), about 1,37,000 people died in road accidents in India in 2013.

Our government can design safe roads but it is the duty of every citizen of every country to act responsibly. Remember, prevention is always better than cure. Trauma is no accident. It can be easily prevented by staying alert. So, help yourself as well as others by acting responsibly.

Points to remember:


· Follow the road safety rules carefully. 

· Pay close attention to the warning signs and traffic signals while driving. 

· Always wear a helmet while riding a two-wheeler. 

· Avoid distractions like mobile phones and loud music while on road. 

· Take short breaks in case of long, continuous driving. 

· Keep your children away from electric switches and wires, sharp objects and medications. 

· Always keep a first aid safety kit at your home and in your vehicle. 

· Ensure that your stairs, windows, balconies and roofs are secure in order to prevent falls. 

· Learn basic life support techniques and help the injured.


· Do not drive when you are tired, sleepy or drunk. 

· Do not take any risks while driving, in case you are in a hurry. 

· Do not operate hazardous machinery. 

· In case of a head or spinal injury, do not move the person from the site of accident without any         professional's help. Moving the injured person may cause serious back or neck injuries. 

- Do not give fluids to any unconscious or semi-conscious traumatized person.